Monday, June 20, 2011


It rains slowly in my mind,
Drizzling softly on the window pane.
The world is a lot slower as I blink,
Nothing inside me feels the same.

There are thoughts and dreams and wishes in my mind,
Treasured preciously in the memory lane.
The world is so much better as I think,
Pain and sorrow are never the same.

The images all pretty in my mind,
The sounds of ocean in each grain.
The world of magic connects missing every link,
A lonely heart does not stay the same.

And as I step on the sands of time..
My footprints are erased as they form..
The real of the unreal haunts me now..
The stranger winds carry me away from home..

The voices in my head they shout and scream..
The voices without now speak..
The silence in my heart is unheard somehow..
The silence desperately now shrieks..

And I talk in black..
And I write in red…
Of death and decay and loss..
For all I want is a place somehow..
And a heart which sees the unseen…

And yes I will rip and slay your flesh..
Those who say you’re near..
Cause I am torn inside ..
Lost in a storm ..
Each stinging tear to tear.

And so I am quiet..
Hush.. now dead..
And you won’t ever know what I didn’t speak..
The silence of the veiled heart..
The silence lost somewhere amidst the shriek..

There is a world inside my mind..
Where I am numb..and I am dead..
The world haunts me sometimes..
And you don’t have to understand..


Bhavya Kaushik said...

Ah! Nikita, that is such a beautiful piece of writing! The depth of this piece is beyond my comprehension. You surely have grown a lot as a writer and as an individual in this past year. I still remember the first time I read your work at WC and I can see the growth in you now.
"The silence in my heart is unheard somehow..
The silence desperately now shrieks.." - Loved these lines the most! :)
Just one thing, try to avoid "..." after every line.

Dreams_Untamed said...

aawww.. you commented :p