Saturday, June 18, 2011

random poop time..!

just saw this awwweesoommeee movie ... 'beauty and the briefcase' .. and urrmmm... yeah it is an hillary duff flick and yapp yapp..but the idea of mr.perfect being an actual 0 on actually nice.. :p .. and infact anything else in life being exactly opposite of how we always wanted it..
anyway holidays ROCK..!
i get to friggin' laze around poora din..
I get to sleep whenver i want to..and wake through the nights..
i get to watch as many movies as i wish to..
i get to go out almost each day with friends if i wanna..
though my friends are all gone.. but still.. all in all..the pro's rape the cons list..

what more..yeah..leaving delhi unv. .. won't really miss the college except for four people..prachi..niti..ipsita and naina... everybody else.. well didn't really notice anybody else in my 12% attendance days :">
which reminds me.. amity wants 100% attendance with 25% medical allowed in case you take a leave.. so 75% ATTENDANCE.. -_- *yeah like that's going to happen* ..
i hate going to a new place..HATE IT..! the fear of not making friends is already killing me.. and the high-school goggles are setting in for miranda house.. :( ..

anyway.. to the dissers who have their own theories about me changing colleges..and to the dawgs who think i am playing with my future.. 'umm... not needed.. opinions..not needed'..

blaah.. enough of jabbering..what more.. hell yeaah.. DONT YOU THING DREW BARRYMORE AND PREITY ZINTA ARE FRIGGIN' TWINS :O ..!!


(ISN'T IT CUTE IN A VERY RETARDED WAY how i post absolute nothing in here :p and still hope somebody is reading it :p )