Thursday, June 30, 2011

wishlist #1 .. :)


1. Tell the complete truth to my loved ones.. hate lying about some specific stuff x-(

2. Complete my secret wish… :D … *THE UNMENTIONABLE INDEED*

3. Steal something from a mall kee shop.. even if a chotu sa eraser..BUT I HAVE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN .. [-(

4. Own a pretty white gown.. the worlds most beautiful wedding gown.. and loads of vintage gowns..

5. ABUSE the hellish people (read fake relatives) I hate so much x-(

6. Meet a few friends .. specific few friends.. and sort the mess x-/

7. Loose the specific few fears.. *_*

8. Stop caring about random shit.. and poopsters.. :-&

9. Go on a long random drive with a friend.. sleep in the car at nights.. go to random roadside ruins and click pics.. eat from the roadside farm shacks.. spend maybe weeks like this ( a lot like love..elongated..and sans the sex -_- )

10. Go on a nation wide tour alone..(maybe a friend..if they plead well enough :-/) ..and travel light..

Umm… that’ll be all for now.. :D .. more coming soon :D .. ummmmmmmm… what do you wish for ……………….. :-) ……………. !!


Aditi said...

suppeerrrrrrr like.... though i wish to know the truths that you haven't told me yet... ahhhaaa... :p may all your wishes come true... :p the *epic* fantasies... :p

Dreams_Untamed said...

hehehehe.. COMMENT :D hehehehe :D

Anupama Sabu said...

dats u... dats exactly d person i know in u.. nd frm heart wish all ur wishes to come true.. :)God... Grant dis little bitch all dat she desire.. coz, she really deserve it.. ;)

Dreams_Untamed said...

awww...thank you for the comment anupama.. :) and ofcourse the blessings.. :)

Anonymous said...

Is this in order of priority?? Because, you can easily accomplish some of them right away! An year since realization, how many wishes have you fulfilled ?